Debate and Critical Thinking in DP 1

“Debate and divergence of views can only enrich our history and culture.” –

Ibrahim Babangida

DP1s have embraced this notion, with a recent battle of intellect, logic, and persuasive power. The IB Diploma English course requires students to engage in a range of text types to develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

Debating is a valuable skill because of its focus on teamwork, communication skills, persuasive language, and critical thought. The class was divided into groups of three and were provided with a number of ambitious topics.

Students were given a week to prepare their arguments for these challenging topics, spending time in their groups researching and developing valid ideas. The debates proved to be a humour filled-extravaganza, and I was very impressed with the students’ teamwork and preparation.

Brittany (DP English Mentor)