On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!!!

ISN’s traditional Sports Day, which encourages fair play and being balanced, took place in Ramstein on October 27 and proved to be a fun-filled event! This year, ISN was joined by its sister school IS Westpfalz and learning partners from both campuses joined together to form ‘houses’ which competed for both group and individual awards. Children took part in traditional track and field disciplines such as the long jump, shot put, javelin throw, hurdle race, and more. Although our lps competed fiercely, everyone had a good time whether they finished first or last. Snacks and drinks were provided by ISW’s P&F team, and teachers from both campuses led the sports activities. An event that everyone enjoyed in particular was the teacher vs learning partners tug of war in which our lps came out victorious. A special thanks goes out to Stefan, ISN’s P.E. teacher, who spearheaded the organization of the event and led both campuses through the day’s events!

By: Vjeko Kovac (School Principal)