Helau, Helau, It’s Carnival Time!
The “Fifth Season”, as Germans like to refer to it, arrived at ISN on Friday, Feb. 18, much to the delight of our learning partners, parents and staff! As part of our school values, ISN believes in the importance of respecting local traditions and cultures, especially when everyone gets to wear outlandish costumes, eat sweets, and have fun with their friends!
This year both PY and SY joined together for an assembly during which Learner Profile awards were handed out, along with prizes and awards for the best and most creative costumes. Lps from Y5-6 shared presentations about international Carnival traditions they created with the help of their German teacher, Katrin, and treated everyone to a Carnival-themed musical performance. Lps then lined up and paraded around the courtyard of Campus 1 and throughout the Learn Atelier in Campus 2 where they were showered with ‘Kamelle’ - traditional German candy. Learning partners joined parents and teachers for traditional Carnival food including Berliner (German), Khachapuri (Georgian) and Mardi Gras King Cake (New Orleans) provided by our P&F. The colorful spectacle was accompanied by German Carnival music and was the perfect way to say good-bye to each other before the winter break!